Monday, July 11, 2011

-- A New Place to Spend Time --

Oh my - posting has certainly been light around here!  Mostly because I recently joined the rest of the world and joined Pinterest which has kept my free time quite occupied.  If you Pin, make sure to follow me and leave a link to your boards in the comment section.  Here are a few of the images I've been loving lately...

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

In addition to perusing tons of lovely photos, Lucas and I have spent two wonderfully sunny days on the motorcycle (*warning iPhone pics coming your way*).  One day visiting Grand Bend on Lake Huron...

Mmmm... ice cream in a waffle cone... on the beach...
Can it get any better?
Why yes it can - Toasted Coconut dip on the ice cream - Perfection!

 And another cruise a week later when we visited a super interesting burger joint called Chucks...

The decor was quite interesting at Chucks... Very woods-y... definitely our kind of place ;)
This place was so great that despite my best intentions to capture an image of my lunch, I completely devoured it before I got a chance :-)

I also got a chance to spend a couple days at the lake with my sister-in-law and niece Evelyn...

All in all, its best a great couple of weeks but I'm getting behind in my work and really need to plug back in this week.  Here's to hoping I get back on the blogging band-wagon!

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