Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Heather's Pick: Summer Sisters - 4/5 stars

Yesterday I wrote about the first book that I read this year. Today I'm writing about the most recent book that I finished, Summer Sisters by Judy Blume.

Honestly, this was one of the books that was recommended to me that I was most interested in reading. In my friend Heather's description of the book, she said that she had read it several times and that it was one of those books that every female should read at some point in her life. So, about 2 months into my reading adventure I put my name on a waiting list at the library for this book. Unfortunately though, for one reason or another, I never got my hands on a copy until I was shopping at Goodwill 2 weeks ago and found a hardcover copy for sale for only $2.99! Obviously I bought it right away and started it that night :)

"Summer Sisters" follows the story of 2 young girls as they make their way through the trials of growing up. They spend their summers with one of the girl's fathers on Martha's Vineyard and its their that they learn about what masquerades as love, what true love looks like and how horrible it feels for friendships to grow apart. So many characters in this book resonated with me. In fact, I think I identified with every female in the book at one point or another. "Summer Sisters" was enjoyable to read and while didn't evoke emotion in me like some of the other books I've read this year, its certainly one that I'd recommend to just about anyone!

See you tomorrow with a review of "Confessions of a Shopoholic" :)

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