Monday, May 11, 2009

Add Another One to the List...

I just finished another book and this one was a winner - sort of. Diary of a Mad Bride by Laura Wolf was absolutely hilarious.

It is written entirely in journal entries so its a really easy read, especially if you only have a few minutes at a time to pick it up. If you've ever planned a wedding, or if you happen to be planning one now, this book will help you realize all your "bridezilla" moments and will have you laughing over them again and again. This first book by Laura Wolf isn't quite as good as her second book "Diary of a Mad Mom-to-be" which I read a few years ago, but it was funny and enjoyable to read.

Right now, I am also reading the non-fiction book "Pushed" and am getting ready to head to the library for another book from the list. I am going back and forth between "The Year of Living Biblically", "The Poisonwood Bible" or "Jitterbug Perfume". Which would you recommend reading first?

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